Installing the Coursecheck widget

How to integrate your reviews with your website using the Coursecheck widget

Implementing the Coursecheck widget is a straightforward process, which should take only a few minutes to do. By installing it on your website, prospective customers can see how many reviews you have, together with your average rating, with the figures updated in real time.

Company or course-level widget?

There are two widget types: one displays your overall company ratings; and the other is specific to a particular course. We recommend starting with the company-level widget and introducing course-level widgets after you’ve built up a reasonable number of reviews about a particular course. You’re free to use both types and if you’re using course-level widgets, you don’t need to display one for every course.

Deciding where to display the widget

Widgets can be placed anywhere on your website and you can include it on an as many pages as you like. But we recommend that you do not place it anywhere where it’s not strictly relevant as this can actually have a negative effect on SEO.

Implementation instructions

To implement the widget, you need to insert an HTML snippet into the relevant page/template of your website. This will be provided to you by the Coursecheck support team. The widget consists of a panel 160 pixels wide by 60 pixels high, with the text/image right justified within it. They’re designed to be displayed on a white background so if your background is anything other than white, you’ll first need to create a white area (but not an iframe) on which to place the widget. We suggest that you encapsulate the widget with some descriptive text, styling the heading and text to be consistent with your own website.

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