One of the fastest growth areas in counselling in the UK is youth counselling. Our Diploma in Youth Counselling course is designed to help you to counsel young people of various ages. This course will give you a unique in-depth skilled approach to counselling young persons.
What you will learn
The course consists of two modules:
Certificate in Counselling (see course 121)
Youth Counselling (see course YC2)
Module 1 – Certificate in Counselling
This part of the course will provide you with a comprehensive and practical understanding of counselling knowledge and skills. Using Gerard Egan’s renowned three stage model outlined in ‘The Skilled Helper’, the syllabus takes a problem management and opportunity development approach to helping.
The module includes the following topics:
Introduction to Counselling Theory
The Psychodynamic Approach
The Behavioural Approach
The Person-Centred Approach
The Cognitive Approach
The Pastoral Approach
The Counselling Process
Basic Counselling Skills
Core Skills of "The Skilled Helper"
Professional Practice
Module 2– Youth Counselling
Throughout the course you will systematically explore the following topics and issues:
Educational & Vocational Issues
Emotional Issues
Relational Issues
Family Issues
Counselling Abused Young People
Sexual Issues
Theories and Research on Human Growth and Development
After each module you will be awarded a Certificate and on successful completion of the course you are awarded the Institute's Diploma in Youth Counselling.