1 Day - SPA Food and Drink Safety Passport for Contractors - Renewal


To refresh your knowledge of the specific requirements to control the hazards potentially present when working on Food and drink premises and thereby raise your awareness so that you are able to work more safely, both for yourself and those around you, whilst also protecting the safety of the food product and the environment.

What you will learn



  • To understand the implications for cost, business, job security and risk of injury if concerns for hygiene, environment and health and safety are not properly considered.

Underpinning knowledge

  • To understand the importance of training, awareness and good personal behaviour in reducing potential for harm
  • To recognise the implications for cost, job security and risk of injury if areas of concern are not addressed and controlled
  • To understand the three main areas of concern as food damage, environmental damage and people damage

The course will refresh you on the Core Safety element to begin with.

Module 1: Food Protection


  • To understand the potential for food contamination when working on food premises, and the necessary precautions to avoid such contamination.

Underpinning knowledge

  • To understand the potential sources of food contamination
  • To understand the types of potential food contamination
  • To recognise sources of chemical, physical and microbial contamination
  • To understand the harmful effects of such contamination
  • To recognise the importance of working practices to eliminate or reduce the risk of food contamination
  • An understanding of the importance of protective clothing and good personal hygiene
  • An understanding of the importance of not compromising the hygiene properties of doors, walls, floors and similar surfaces when carrying out maintenance and servicing activities
  • An understanding of the need to report certain illnesses, travel and so on when planning to visit food premises
  • An understanding of hygiene systems and legal requirements including food safety law and enforcement and hazard assessment critical control points (HACCP)
  • An understanding of personal responsibility in contributing to food safety

Module 2: Environmental Protection


  • To provide an understanding of environmental hazards and risks and how these affect everyone working in the food and drink sector.

Underpinning knowledge

  • To understand the impact of environmental damage at local, regional and global level
  • To recognise the main types of environmental damage as air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, noise pollution and light pollution and to understand the range of damage and nuisance caused by such matters
  • To understand the importance of anti-pollution controls, proper waste disposal, spill avoidance and so on
  • To recognise the importance of co-operation and co-ordination with clients and site operators when considering potential pollution matters
  • To recognise and accept the personal responsibility required of everyone if the environment is to be protected for the benefit of everyone

Module 3: Health and Safety


  • To provide an awareness and understanding of the hazards to health and safety particularly relevant to the food and drink sector and the control measures necessary to such risks to continually reducing levels.

Underpinning knowledge

  • Slips, trips and falls, and the need for good housekeeping
  • Hazards arising from working at height and associated protective measures
  • Hazards associated with confined spaces, the legal requirements, and protective measures including air sampling, protective equipment, permits to work and so on
  • The risks arising from works transport, including delivery and despatch vehicles, fork lift trucks and the need for stringent control of access and authorisation for drivers
  • The importance of using designated pedestrian and vehicle routes and rules as appropriate
  • An awareness of the hazard of electricity and how associated risks can be controlled by low voltage, quick action ‘trip’ devices and the importance of not working ‘live’ unless authorised and with permit to work procedures
  • An understanding of the hazards and risks arising from food processing machinery including the importance of machine guards, interlocks and emergency stops
  • An understanding of the basic principles of hygienic design and the importance of not comprising hygiene or health and safety by carrying out unauthorised modifications
  • An understanding of the potential for damage to health arising from materials and substances encountered in the food and drink sector including dusts, vapours, sensitising agents and so on
  • An awareness of the dangers arising from the improper removal of asbestos and the need for the use of competent, licensed contractors for such work
  • An awareness of the risk of exposure to temperature extremes (hot and cold), the potential harmful effects, and necessary precautions
  • An understanding of the risks of fire and explosion in the food and drink sector including the need for identification of particular risk areas, and the need to prohibit or control potential sources of ignition
  • The particular fire risk arising from the presence of laminated partition walling involving metallic clad polystyrene insulation, and the importance of client permission before carrying out hot work in such areas
  • The overall importance of being constantly aware of potential hazards and risks, and understanding and using the wide range of control measures usually available

Further information

1 Day

Contact Information


5 Meadvale Road
W5 1NS
