2 Day SPA Food and Drink Contractors Safety Passport including Core Day


The course aim is to provide information and training relevant to the food and drink manufacturing industry sector in respect of food hygiene, environmental concerns and health and safety so as to support the continued improvement of such standards throughout the sector.

To understand the implications for cost, business, job security and risk of injury if concerns for hygiene, environment and health and safety are not properly considered.

Learning outcomes: On completion of the course delegates will have the knowledge to:

  • Compare injury incident rates across some industry sectors
  • Understand the importance of training, awareness and good personal behaviour in reducing potential for harm
  • Recognise the implications for cost, job security and risk of injury if areas of concern are not addressed and controlled
  • Understand the three main areas of concern as food damage, environmental damage and people damage.

What you will learn

DAY 1 - Core

  • Setting the Scene, Accidents, Organising for Safety and Responsibilities, duties and risk assessment, consultation and enforcement officers.
  • Workplace Safety and General workplace safety requirements, behavioural safety, fire safety, working at height, hidden services, asbestos, confined spaces, and display screen equipment.
  • Plant and Machinery, Hand held tools, electricity, and power tools.
  • Health, Hygiene, hazardous substances, effects of the sun, temperature, occupational diseases, manual handling, vibration, noise and stress.
  • Procedures, Safe systems of work, first aid requirements and occupational road accidents.
  • The Environment, Pollution and waste, employers and employees responsibilities,

Module 1: Importance of the Food Drink industry to the UK

Aim To understand how the food industry impacts on all aspects within the UK and to establish that everyone is part of the chain.  Underpinning knowledge - The economy - The future Our society - The company

Module 2: Health and Safety in Food and Drink Manufacturing

Aim To provide an awareness and understanding of the hazards to health and safety particularly relevant to the food and drink sector and the control measures necessary to continually reducing levels of risk.

Underpinning knowledge Slips and trips, and the need for good housekeeping Hazards and protective measures arising from working at height, Scaffolds.

Hazards associated with confined spaces, the legal requirements, and protective measures.

The risks and controls arising from works transport, including delivery and despatch vehicles.

An awareness of the hazard of electricity and how associated risks can be controlled

An understanding of the risks and controls arising from food processing machinery

An understanding of the basic principles of hygienic design and the importance of not comprising hygiene or health and safety by carrying out unauthorised modifications

An understanding of the potential for damage to health arising from materials and substances encountered in the food and drink sector

An awareness of the risk of exposure to temperature extremes (hot and cold), the potential harmful effects, and necessary precautions

An understanding of the risks of fire and explosion and identification of particular risk areas particularly the presence of laminated partition walling involving metallic clad polystyrene insulation, and the importance of client permission before carrying out hot work in such areas

Module 3: Types of Food Contamination

Aim - To demonstrate different areas and to show how food can be contaminated.

Underpinning knowledge

An overview of where contamination can occur Chemical contamination: raw materials, cleaning materials, maintenance work and human contamination

Physical object contamination: Infrastructure, maintenance operations, human sourced, and pest contamination

Biological contamination, including the 3 main types of bacteria Allergens

Module 4: Effects of food contamination

Aim - To advise what may happen if you come into contact with contaminated food and drink.

Underpinning Knowledge - To recognise who is at risk of being harmed if food is not protected

To understand what is the likely result once someone has been on contact with contaminated food

Identify the different types of Bacteria risks, including: Campylobacter, Clostridium Perfringens, Salmonella, Staphylococcus Aureus, Botulism, E Coli, Understand the damage it can have to your brand

Module 5 – Food Safety Controls

Aim - To understand the different safety controls used to protect people from contaminated food and drink

Underpinning Knowledge - Legal Controls – Food Safety Act 1990 Enforcement – Environmental health officers, who are they and what they do

Critical Control Points (HACCP) – What is it and why is it used, it is a system to ensure total food safety Best practices and personal responsibility – what are our responsibilities as employee, including details on preventing contamination to the workplace

Module 6 – Environmental Issues

Aim - To provide an understanding of environmental hazards and risks and how these affect everyone working in the food and drink sector.

Underpinning Knowledge - To recognise the main types of environmental damage as air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, noise pollution and light pollution and understand the range of damage/nuisance caused by such matters

To recognise the importance of co-operation and co-ordination with site operator when considering potential pollution matters

To recognise and accept the personal responsibility required of everyone if the environment is to be protected for the benefit of everyone.

Further information

2 Days

Contact Information


5 Meadvale Road
W5 1NS
